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Culex pipiens, the endemic mosquito vector of West Nile virus in eastern North America, is responsible for maintenance of the virus in avian reservoir hosts, the most important of which appears to be the American robin. One reason for the greater involvement of robins is believed to be the feeding preference of Cx. pipiens, however, the basis of this preference is not understood. We tested the hypothesis that the species‐specific chemical profile of avian uropygial gland secretions are used by Cx. pipiens as cues to locate birds and, therefore, may contribute to the observed feeding preferences. We used gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry to identify the semi‐volatile components of the uropygial gland secretions of American robins and two other common reservoir host species, the house sparrow and European starling. We found that the chemical composition of the robin secretions was different from those of the sparrows and starlings. Through behavioral choice trials conducted in a dual‐port olfactometer, we also found that Cx. pipiens did not prefer the secretions of robins over the other two species. Surprisingly, however, we found that Cx pipiens were more often attracted to live starlings over robins and to the secretions of starlings over those of robins.  相似文献   
三峡库区支流生境因子对库区蓄水的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
三峡水库的运行调度,使库区支流形成了截然不同的3种河段类型:完全受水库蓄水影响的145m回水段(完全河段),既受蓄水影响又受自然洪汛影响的145—175m回水段(双重河段)以及不受蓄水影响的大于175m的自然河流段(自然河段)。为明确库区蓄水对河流不同河段生境因子的影响程度及差异,对三峡库区36条重要支流的254个河段进行河流生境调查,进行不同河段下生境指标的因子分析,并进一步分析水文情势自然性与不同河段各生境因子的相关关系。结果表明,植被状况对3种不同河段来说均为重要生境因子,但受三峡水库蓄水影响,完全河段植被结构不完整;受库区蓄水影响,完全河段与双重河段及自然河段相比,流速流态状况、表层覆盖物状况、河岸带宽度、湿润率等生境因子有明显改变;水文情势自然性对不同河段生境因子的影响不同。  相似文献   
利用荧光显微镜细菌计法(AODC法),研究了辽宁省三座水源水库—大伙房水库、碧流河水库和桓仁水库细菌数量的时空分布。结果表明,三座水库细菌数量季节变化明显,从垂直分布上来看,中层水体的细菌数量最多。大伙房水库、碧流河水库和桓仁水库细菌密度的变化范围分别为(0.64~867.52)×107、(1.04~98.4)×107和(606.1~2 355.3)cell/m L。相关分析表明,大伙房水库和碧流河水库细菌数量与测定的各类生态因子均无显著相关性。大伙房水库细菌数量与水温、pH、TN、氮磷比呈正相关,与TP、COD、Chl-a呈负相关;碧流河水库细菌总数与温度、pH和Chl-a呈正相关,与TN、TP、COD和氮磷比呈负相关;桓仁水库细菌总数与温度、TN、TP呈显著正相关,与pH和COD呈显著负相关(P0.05),与Chl-a呈正相关,与氮磷比呈负相关。CCA分析结果显示,三座水库细菌总数的驱动因素有明显的水平差异。  相似文献   
Margins of water reservoirs associated with dams can have high‐frequency tides, promoting soil erosion and nutrient leaching. We propose the use of biocrusts for restoration and ecological engineering purposes, due to their poikilohydric character, to stabilize reservoir margins. We promoted biocrust growth under controlled conditions, testing two types of substrate: native sand and organic substrate. After 2 months, biocrusts grew on organic substrate covering almost all the area, but not on native sand. This fast and easy nature‐based solution for soil stabilization can be used as an environmental engineering tool in highly degraded sites.  相似文献   
李嗣新  胡菊香  池仕运  胡俊 《生态学报》2016,36(5):1233-1243
汞是唯一参与全球循环的液态重金属。1974年,自美国学者Smith首次报道水库中鱼类总汞含量高于邻近自然湖泊以来,水库中鱼类汞升高的风险成为新建水库环境影响评价中的重要内容之一。汞在水库生态系统生物组分和非生物组分中含量升高的现象先后在世界各国报道,包括加拿大、美国、芬兰、泰国和巴西等。通过对系列的野外研究进行回顾,表明了水库形成后生态系统中汞的甲基化过程发生了变化。水库形成对汞在食物网中的鱼类、底栖生物、浮游生物的累积产生影响。水库中汞的生物累积、迁移转化主要与被淹没土壤和植物腐解过程有着直接或间接的关系。水库形成后,总汞、甲基汞和甲基汞比例在生态系统食物网各组分中的变化并不一致。蓄水后,水体中总汞变化较小,甲基汞和甲基汞比例上升明显;浮游生物尤其是浮游动物中总汞升高,但甲基汞和甲基汞比例升高更为明显;与浮游动物类似,底栖水生昆虫中总汞升高,甲基汞和甲基汞比例升高也更为明显;鱼类作为食物网顶级消费者,甲基汞比例一般在80%以上,在水库形成后鱼类总汞和甲基汞均明显升高,但甲基汞比例变化已经不大。这些变化揭示了水库形成后甲基汞在食物网传递的两个主要可能途径,一是微型生物食物网。通过悬浮颗粒物、浮游植物、浮游动物这一环节,甲基汞和甲基汞比例有明显的增加。第二个途径是底层生物食物网。通过悬浮颗粒物、细菌、碎屑食性底栖水生昆虫、肉食型底栖水生昆虫环节,甲基汞和甲基汞比例明显增加。这两种途径均能导致以水生昆虫、小鱼、甲壳类等为食的肉食性鱼类汞含量增加。水库形成后,生态系统中汞的甲基化发生了明显的"加速"过程。这种"加速"过程最直接的因素是成库后大量土壤淹没使得汞的甲基化平衡被打破。这个过程主要有两方面的影响。一方面是直接影响,被淹没土壤和植被在腐解过程中主动或被动地将甲基汞释放到水库生态系统中;另一方面是间接影响,被淹没土壤和植被的腐解使水库底部形成厌氧环境,有利于无机汞从被淹没土壤和植被中溶出,为甲基化反应提供充裕的、可供甲基化的无机汞,同时腐解产生的大量营养物质为微生物提供丰富食物来源,使硫酸盐还原菌大量繁殖,促进无机汞的甲基化。在我国,有关汞在新建水库食物网中生物累积和风险评价的研究有待进一步加强。  相似文献   
Testis and ovarian maturation status, maturity profile and gonado-somatic index (GSI) were assessed in pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus) collected from Mirgenbach, a cooling-water reservoir associated with a nuclear power plant, and from the River Moselle 7 km downstream of the reservoir's thermal outflow. Histological investigation indicated that in both sexes, gonadal development of pumpkinseed in the heated reservoir was more advanced than in the cooler Moselle River throughout the breeding season. The histological maturity profile of reservoir males ranked by the advancement of sperm cells was highly correlated with its GSI (rs=0.73, P<0.001). GSI of females in the reservoir increased with the stage at maturity, but GSI was not significantly correlated with total length, age or growth rate of the individual. All sampled individuals of both sexes were mature at age 1 in the heated reservoir, whereas 48% of age 1 males and 57% of age 1 females were not mature in the river. GSI patterns suggest that males in the reservoir adopted one of two reproductive strategies (nesters or cuckolders), whereas no small males with large enough testes to be considered cuckolders were apparent in the river. The warm thermal regime of Mirgenbach Reservoir led to precocial maturity, early season reproduction, and the greater prevalence of apparent cuckolder males than would normally occur in this climatic zone.  相似文献   
Common bream Abramis brama , roach Rutilus rutilus and their hybrids were collected in the Dobczyce Reservoir in southern Poland in 2006–2013 to study whether it is better for a hybrid individual to resemble and compete with one of its parents, or to minimize competition by having a distinctive phenotype. All hybrids were F1 crosses and originated predominantly (93·2%) from matings between female A. brama and male R. rutilus parents. In morphometric analyses, a newly defined coefficient, L 3 = 2·5 (body mass) (L S × body depth)?1, which enables forms with similar length–depth proportions but different length–mass relationships to be distinguished was used. Morphometric and meristic characteristics of the hybrids were intermediate in comparison with the parental species, with small but significant deviation towards R. rutilus in longitudinal body dimensions (trunk and tail length) and towards A. brama in body cross‐sectional shape (body depth and L 3 coefficient). This may result in a more R. rutilus like propulsion in hybrids and a more A. brama like ability to manoeuvre.  相似文献   
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